Shoulder Mobility

Pull Apart.jpeg

Our shoulder is one of the key kinetic checkpoints when assessing posture and form. Improved shoulder mobility results in effective and efficient movement patters for better performance output, especially when powerlifting, dancing, or in everyday activities. Here are some key stretches and mobility exercises for prevention of shoulder injury or impingement:

Shoulder Plate Rotation
-Take a light plate and hold with a slight bend in elbows
-Rotate plate in circular motion around head
-Repeat 10x each direction

Wall Chest Stretch
-Place arms on a wall or surface
-Take a step forward and hold for 30 seconds
-The farther you stretch does not mean you are increasing the efficacy of the stretch, so be cautious when stretching
-3 x 30 sec each side

Lawn Mower Pull
-Excellent for rotator cuff injury
-Use cable/resistance band and grab like a lawn mower cable
-Straighten torso upright and bend slightly to reach cable/band
-Pull up with elbow crossing ribs
-Keep shoulders relaxed and squeeze shoulder blades
-Repeat 8-12x

High-to-Low Rows
-Kneel on the knee opposite injured shoulder
-Keep torso aligned and squeeze shoulder blades as you pull tucking elbow towards torso
-Repeat 12-20x

Cable Sagittal Internal/External Rotation
-Preventative measure for shoulder injury
-Strengthens shoulder and increases mobility
-Not meant to do with high weight but for mobility
-Stand perpendicular to cable and bend elbow 90 degrees
-Move forehand in front of body in a circular motion
-Repeat 12-20x each side

DISCLAIMER: Consult with your physician or us personally before you attempt any workouts to prevent injury and to assess any preexisting conditions. This is for informational purposes and you must consult a professional before beginning a certain diet/fitness program.


Shoulder Flexibility