Self-Myofascial Rolling

Foam roll.jpeg

The first phase for corrective exercise is INHIBITION. This includes self-myofascial rolling (using a foam roller). This set can also be used as a cool down.

The benefits of self-myofascial rolling is to correct muscle imbalances, relax muscles, improve joint range of motion, improve neuromuscular efficiency, reduce soreness, and improve tissue recovery. You can do this with a foam roller, ball, or any handheld device that will allow you to apply pressure to your target tissue.

Massage Modality Friction and Foam Roll Combination (Effleurage)
-Instead of putting downward pressure on the back, angle yourself to use resistance to stretch the facia and superficial layers
-Take it slow to allow the layers of facia to stretch, then continue
-Do not hold your breath
-Breathe through the stretch.

Cat Cow Stretch

-Helps stretch rhomboids/mid & lower traps. Also good for warm up when doing any exercise that require the scapula to protract and retract. Breathe through the stretch.

Foam Roller Pectoralis Stretch
-Cat Cow stretching you might feel an activation in your pectoral muscles
-Neglecting to stretch your pecs can cause your shoulders to tilt forward
-Use foam roller to help stretch out pec muscles
-Rotate body to the opposite side to cause a stretch in the pectoral muscles

DISCLAIMER: Consult with your physician or us personally before you attempt any workouts to prevent injury and to assess any preexisting conditions. This is for informational purposes and you must consult a professional before beginning a certain diet/fitness program.


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