Thoracic Spine Mobility

Mobility stick.jpeg

The benefits of having thoracic spine mobility is to reduce “slumped” shoulders, reduce neck & lower back pain, and increase range of motion in your exercises. Using a mobility stick, PVC pipe, or broomstick, there are a variety of ways to help mobilize your thoracic spine.

Mobility Stick Windmills
-Ideally stretch shoulders first or you will feel tight
-Grab a stick with wide-grip and place it behind you on top of your traps/shoulders as if you were doing a barbell squat
-Bend over and push hips back
-Rotate 90 degrees each side
-Repeat as needed

Overhead Press
-Grab stick with wide-grip
-Raise above head and return back down
-Repeat as needed
-Slow tempo - 3 sec up & down

9090 Overhead Raise
-Grip barbell and walk back
-Bend forward
-Push hips back
-Shoulders should be behind neck
-Feel stretch and hold for 30 seconds
-Repeat as needed

Mobility Stick Overhead Squat
-Place stick against a squat rack or door frame
-Walk into the frame
-Lift stick above head
-Slow & controlled squat
-Avoid “Butt Wink” (Posterior Pelvic Tilt & Lumbar Flexion)

Butt wink” is usually caused by limited mobility & stability issues and depth of your hip socket.

Overhead Squat & Press
-Same as above, but adding a press before returning to starting position

DISCLAIMER: Consult with your physician or us personally before you attempt any workouts to prevent injury and to assess any preexisting conditions. This is for informational purposes and you must consult a professional before beginning a certain diet/fitness program.


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